Processing of personal data and data controller

Personal data is any information that can be linked to an identified or identifiable natural person, for example name, address, telephone number and e-mail address, and everything else that concerns the person.

Processing of personal data will be any use of personal data, such as collection, registration, compilation, storage and disclosure or a combination of such uses.

It's the Ultrasound Midwife, org. no. 91 30 68 68 8 , which is responsible for the processing of personal data. You can contact at

Why do we need personal data?

We need personal information to be able to provide services to our users and to have contact with suppliers and partners. Our services are specially adapted to provide a good basis for comparing prices and conditions from different companies in different industries. In order for us to obtain offers or make product and service comparisons, we will, in the cases where it is relevant, depend on our forms meeting the requirements of the companies with which we collaborate. In order to make the offers/comparison as correct and specific as possible, we must therefore obtain information from our users, including personal data.

The purpose of obtaining personal information from our users is to identify the user and to be able to provide the offers and comparisons the user requests. The collection of personal data is absolutely necessary for certain services so that we and our suppliers and partners can provide the right offer.

Who do we process personal data about and what personal data do we process?

We process personal data about the following groups of people:

Users of our services

We process personal data about users of our services by users providing information by requesting offers for services or posting reviews on our pages. We can also process personal data in connection with users being in contact with us in various contexts. We only process the information that the users themselves provide to us, as well as the name of the user, their e-mail address and telephone number, where i.a. these are used to verify users in connection with reviews. Users can choose whether they want to use their real name, and users can also use an email address that does not show a personal name.

In connection with users wishing to be sent offers for services from our suppliers, we ask for names, contact details, including address, email address and telephone number, social security number (including date of birth) as well as information relevant to the individual insurance for which the offer is requested. This information is forwarded to the relevant suppliers so that they can send offers. The suppliers are to be regarded as data controllers, so there will be a transfer of the personal data from us to the suppliers. The users themselves choose which companies will receive the information and be given the opportunity to send offers.

For some services, we must collect and process social security numbers in addition to your date of birth (collectively, this is your social security number). According to Section 12 of the Personal Data Act, social security numbers and other unique means of identification can only be processed when there is a factual need for secure identification and the method is necessary to achieve such identification. In order for suppliers and partners to be able to provide a binding and correct price offer, and to assess whether the user is eligible for special discounts (e.g. through the employer), the national identification number must be provided for identification purposes. However, it is optional and therefore voluntary to provide the national identification number.

We also record general information about how our services are used by collecting technical information through server logs and other tools. Examples of this are information about the operating system, browser version, IP addresses, cookies and other identification files. In this way, we can more easily detect technical errors, adapt the content according to the device used (e.g. mobile or tablet) and improve the content and the service as best as possible according to the users' usage and interest patterns. As a rule, such information will not be possible to link to individuals, and therefore not personal data. For more information on how to delete or block cookies, visit

It is specified that it is voluntary to provide us with personal information, but it is a prerequisite to receive sufficient and correct information in order to be able to provide our suppliers with the necessary information to provide a correct offer.

Contact persons at our suppliers and partners

We process personal information about contact persons at our suppliers and business partners, including contact information relating to potential suppliers and business partners. Only contact information, such as name, e-mail, telephone number, etc., will then be processed, as well as which supplier and partner the person is associated with.

We process such information either to fulfill statutory obligations, such as obligations under accounting legislation, or for a legitimate interest we have in conducting business. In the latter case, we have assessed that our interest in processing the personal data can be carried out without this being at the expense of the interests and fundamental freedoms of the data subjects. This is because the processing is limited and applies to a small extent to sensitive personal data.

We will process information about contact persons at our suppliers and partners as long as our contractual relationship and collaboration with the supplier and partner continues, and will then delete the information if there is no legal obligation to store the information, such as e.g. in an accounting context.

How and for how long is the information processed? stores personal data securely, and has implemented both organizational and technical measures to secure personal data. We do not send your personal data via insecure channels such as e.g. unencrypted email. We store, encrypt and make the personal data available in our own systems. This means that we have full control over where the personal data exists and who has access. We never disclose personal data to others, including suppliers and business partners, without the data subject having explicitly consented to such disclosure or that we have a legal obligation to do so.

According to the privacy regulations, personal data must be deleted when storage is no longer necessary to fulfill the purpose of the processing. This means that we do not store information longer than we consider necessary or the legislation currently in force. When the purpose of the processing has been fulfilled, we anonymize and delete all personal data. See also above for more information on how long personal data is processed for the individual treatments.

Who has access to the personal data?

Only authorized personnel at Ultrasound Midwifery and suppliers or partners with whom users choose to order/compare an agreement are given access to personal data.

All our suppliers and partners where personal data is exchanged must enter into an agreement that ensures confidentiality and legal processing of personal data that regulates how they can convey, process and store personal data.

Rights for those registered

The persons whose personal data we process (the data subjects), have the right to gain insight into whether we process personal data about them, how we process personal data (as described in this declaration) and access the information if they wish.

If the personal data we have collected is incorrect, the data subject can request that the personal data be corrected.

In some cases, the data subjects can demand that we delete information about them. Data subjects have such a right, among other things, when the processing is based on consent which the data subject withdraws. In some cases, the data subjects can request that we limit or stop the processing of personal data about them. If we still need the information, i.a. according to legal obligation, we will not be able to delete the information until the need has ceased.

If you want to know more about your rights as a registered person, we recommend you read on the Norwegian Data Protection Authority's website . You can complain to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority if you are dissatisfied with our processing of personal data.

Changes in information

We will constantly work to develop and adapt our processing of personal data. In the event of changes, we will change the information above accordingly.