Find out about the Ultrasound midwife
Address: Leif Tronstadsplass 6, 1337 Sandvika
Opening hours: Go to appointment booking in the menu to find available hours. We operate with flexible opening hours every day, including Sundays by appointment.
With car
You can park easily with us. The nearest is to use the parking garage under the building. The other option is to park at Sandvika Storsenter. Go to the bus terminal right next to Sandvika train station. We are located directly above the DNB bank.
With train
Take the train to Sandvika train station. You can easily plan your journey on Ruter's website, see here . When you come out of the train station, you must cross the bus terminal. We are located in the building where DNB bank is located.
By bus
Take a bus to Sandvika bus terminal. You can easily plan your journey on Ruter's website, see here . When you get off the bus, you are right next to the building we are located in. We are located in the building where DNB bank is located.